SSPTalker v2

Truong’s Sega Security PIC Talker (SSPTalker) was used to document and verify the Lindbergh family Security PIC data for the trurip Media Database Project while retaining Chihiro/Naomi/Triforce Security PIC compatibility.

This redesign is based around the PIC18F67J50 dev board “DEV-PIC18F67J50” from

While it was possible to add in a few data/clocks to the original design, we opted to use the DEV-PIC18F67J50 board, and design a “SSPTalker Shield”.

DEV-PIC18F67J50 Dev board

Prototype Shield #1
SSPTalker_2 Prototype 1
This prototype had an error which is fixed on the final version (hence the patch wire)

Final Shield

::PLACEHOLDER:: SSPTalker_2_Shield_Final.jpg ::PLACEHOLDER::

In this way, we saved the cost of having to use a new MCU for each project and allows for faster prototyping of future projects.
The GUI has been completely redesigned and Lindbergh support has been added.

SSPTalker 2 GUI Image 1
Main UI

SSPTalker 2 GUI Image 2
The Library

Raw pic datafiles are signed and AES encrypted to the user that created the datafile
Library function to sort datafiles for later restoration to a blank PIC16F628(A) or PIC16F648(A)

i forget..

  Schematics of DEV-P18F67J50
  PIC18F67J50 Datasheet